

Here’s a brand new poem I’ve written. The form for this poem was inspired by a snippet of Longfellow I recently read:

“The heights by great men reached and kept
were not attained by sudden flight.
But they, while their companions slept,
toiled ever upward through the night.”

These beautiful and inspiring lines were written in 8888 meter, also known as long meter. This is not a form I’ve written in often, and so I decided the next poem I wrote would employ this meter.

As for the subject matter for this poem, as a widower, I have often had the privilege of seeing the miracle of widows and widowers smiling and laughing, and have experienced this miracle for myself. As widows and widowers, we have endured great loss, and yet, somehow, we find the courage and strength and healing to open ourselves to joy once again. Like all miracles, these miracles are made possible by the love and grace of Jesus Christ.


How beautiful to see a smile
Where sorrow once did reign so sure
A miracle birthed from a trial
Replaced with joy so sweet and pure

How wonderful to hear a laugh
Emerge from lips that trembled so
Where once a heart was cleaved in half
Now mirth and happiness do grow

How can it be that lives may heal
When smothered so by death's cruel sting
How can it be that hearts may feel
And once again may voices sing

‘Tis by the grace of Christ our Lord
That happiness may reign supreme
Great suffering He shall reward
As broken souls He shall redeem

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