


'Tis strange to think, mere years ago, our paths had never crossed
As we were living different lives, not knowing there'd be loss
To love another, as a spouse, it never crossed our minds
There was no inkling in our thoughts, of heaven's grand designs
Yet here we are, so much in love, life filled with boundless bliss
So blessed to be complete and whole, despite those whom we miss
The ache and loneliness we've felt, replaced with joyful hearts
Our worlds seem brighter once again, we cherish our fresh start
We’ve learned of strength, resilience, and now we seem to find
Together we are multiplied, our strands are intertwined
We forge ahead along this path, functioning as one
Where once we only saw an end, anew, life has begun
The day shall come when we shall greet, our loved ones we have lost
And we shall know with certainty, our grief was worth the cost
For if we had not known this pain, how could we ever meet
And find we fill each other’s voids, our lives whole and complete

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