A Pillow Wet With Tears

Late one night on my Facebook page, I received the following message:

"Great poem. Have you written a poem about an elderly person who struggles through life after losing the love of their life through divorce? Was married to them since they married in high school after 10 years. Still love them and can’t get past the hurt and feels like they can't pick up the pieces and go on without them. Tried but couldn’t do it."

This is the poem I wrote in response to this dear, broken woman's inquiry:

A Pillow Wet With Tears

At night her pillow still is wet with tears
A decade past and pain still haunts her heart
How could a love born in their high school years
Within the eve of their lives fall apart
He won't reciprocate her love for him
She loves still though the pair has been dissolved
She trudges on as life seems bleak and dim
While struggling to maintain her resolve
Oh may the love she has for God and man
Suffice until the day He calls her home
Embraced by He who clearly understands
No longer wracked with pain no more alone

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