Parley & the Pooch

This is one of my favorite poems so far. I had a LOT of fun with this one! I have taken the classic LDS humorous tale of Parley Pratt escaping a constable and his dog, as told in his autobiography, and turned it into a poem. Enjoy!


One night while preaching at the home, of one named Simeon.
There came a knock upon his door, a constable came in.
Said he, "I'm here to take you in." It was some trumped-up charge.
And so I walked with him two miles, the night was growing dark.
When at the court we did appear, false witnesses were there.
"Boy I shall soon imprison you," the judge did vainly swear.
The trial then was such a joke, the whole thing was a farce.
To prison, I would have to go or pay a fine quite large.
They mocked, abused, and pressured me, to pay them this steep sum.
Yet silently I still refused - their patience then was done.
I chose to sing a hymn to them, "How Happy Oh Are They."
But this just made them madder still, demanding that I pay.
At last, I tried to make a plea, "If you will all repent,
To seek forgiveness from our God, to heaven prayers I'll send."
Rejecting me the judge proclaimed, "My dog will pray for me."
"We have the devil to help us," said one so mockingly.
They locked me in a room that night, to prison I would go.
The morning came, a man appeared, his job to make it so.
Before we left, he took me first, to have a breakfast meal.
This man who they called Peabody, I then asked him with zeal,
"Mister are you good at a race?" To which he answered, "No.
I have my dog here I command. He'll take down any foe."
"I must be on my journey now. If you're good at a race,
Then you can come with me, dear sir. I thank you for your grace."
I started on my journey then, pursuit he did not take.
Then from his great astonishment, at once he did awake.
He came now in pursuit of me, commanding his canine.
The dog who was a giant brute, came fast now, just behind.
Peabody yelled, "Stu Boy! Stu Boy! Lay hold of him I say!"
Then lumbering he still pursued and pointed in my way.
Now Stu was fast upon my heels, I thought my fate was sealed.
But in a flash, a thought did come, a plan was then revealed.
Like Peabody, I too did shout. I barked the same command.
My finger pointing the same way, I loudly clapped my hands.
With two of us encouraging, Stu carried on his way.
I have not seen the two of them, since that eventful day!
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