

Here's a brand new poem. During this mortal journey, full of pitfalls and setbacks, disappointments and failures, we all need a reminder from time to time of who we really are. We are children of the most high God, with a legendary past and an unbelievable future.


To sit and gaze upon the stars at night,
The vastness of the universe in view,
Might make you feel as small as specks of light,
Your priceless value you might misconstrue.
Peering at the lives of friends and kin,
With no apparent flaws or woes to bear,
Considering your life, you look within,
Despondent and depressed as you compare.
Have you forgotten who you truly are,
Descended from eternal royalty,
An heir who has progressed so very far,
One destined to be more than you can see?
Your true self known by He who loves you so.
For eons, you have heard Him call your name.
From Him, no matter how far you may go,
Inheritance is yours to rightly claim.
So never think yourself beyond repair,
Beyond the reach of God's almighty hand.
You're richer than a multimillionaire.
Go forth and claim your future bright and grand.

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