

Here's a new poem we've completed, centered around the question, what truly matters? In a world of money, status, and luxury, what is truly important in our lives? It is our belief and testimony that the knowledge of the restored Gospel of Jesus Christ and what we do with that knowledge and where it takes us is of paramount importance for our lives here and now and for our eternal destinies.


Fancy cars and massive mansions, prized by our society.
Gold and silver, rubies, diamonds, wealth displayed for all to see.
Though these cost a lot of money, are they truly things of worth?
What are truly things of value, here upon our fallen earth?
A knowledge of our heritage, children of the Most High God
Revealed to us through prophets dear, scriptures sure, the iron rod.
Our Father has a plan for us, treasured, precious, without price.
Our Savior gave for us His all, freely He did sacrifice.
A testimony of these truths, how can worldly wealth compare?
Resurrection, exaltation, promised as a valued heir.
Oh, may our hearts be focused on all that truly matters most,
That we might win celestial prize, purchased by the Lord of Hosts.

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