Tragedy or Destiny?

I have written this poem based on Spencer W. Kimball's landmark address, "Tragedy or Destiny?" delivered at BYU on December 6, 1955.

You can listen to the talk here:

You can read a transcript of the talk here:

Tragedy or Destiny?

A plane crash just killed 43, a car crash claimed 6 more.
And cancer stole a young mom's life, her children number 4.
A man died from a heart attack, it happened suddenly.
"Oh why oh why," his wife exclaimed, "would God do this to me?"
Now did the Lord cause all these woes? I cannot say for sure.
But this I know without a doubt, He could provide a cure.
All accidents He could prevent. All pain He could dispel.
He could help us escape death's grasp and always feel so well.
But He will not so intervene, I hope you understand.
For suffering and sorrows too, are all part of His plan.
He's given us our agency, that we might learn and grow.
If life were never hard for us, true joy we could not know.
This life can feel like all there is, and all we'll ever be.
But there is so much more to us, we'll live eternally.
And so God gives to us our trials, that we might overcome.
For if in life there was no race, how could a prize be won?
If all the sick were always healed; if every life was saved;
Our Father's plan would be annulled. No man would live by faith.
If ev'rything our hearts desired, was given instantly,
There would be no test of our strength, and no free agency.
As humans, we would try and spare, our lives of ev'ry pain.
And only wish for peace and bliss, a life free of disdain.
Did not our Lord endure great trials, descend below all things,
That He might rise above it all, to be our perfect King?
Some people do find fault with God. They seek to hold a grudge.
"He should have come and intervened!" Oh, who are we to judge?
We are so quick to see a death, as only tragedy.
Yet God before whom all things are can see our destiny.
Some day when we can see all things, we then will understand.
How death and pain and sorrow too, were all part of His plan.
He sent us here to earth to learn; He sent us here to grow.
That through hardships we might obtain a perfect joy to know.
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