

In Ether, Chapter 6, Moroni continues his account of the Jaredite nation. In verse 6, he records that "many times" these brave and faithful pioneers were "buried in the depths of the sea," and still, in verse 9, we learn that "they did sing praises unto the Lord" and "did thank and praise the Lord all the day long; and when the night came, they did not cease to praise the Lord."

We wondered about what kind of song they might have sung and reflected our thoughts in the following poem. How grateful we are that the Lord can miraculously bring light into our lives, even when we find ourselves buried in the depths of a deep trial or crisis. Just as the Brother of Jared's faith allowed him to see the finger of the Lord, followed by His entire form, our faith can reveal the Lord's hand working on our behalf within the personal and intimate details of our lives.


Though we are buried here beneath the deep
Unto Thee, Lord, our praises we do sing
Off to a promised land, we're led as sheep
Beneath the hand of our great shepherd King
We're grateful for the light that doth here shine
As stones touched by thy hand reflect thy love
We're grateful that to us thou hast been kind
Bestowing on us blessings from above
Though long upon these waters we may be
We long to touch the soil of promised land
We covenant that we will follow thee
Through our faith that revealed to us thy hand

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