The Promised Land

A couple of years ago, I was asked by my ward if I would write something to commemorate the United States that could be shared at our Fourth of July breakfast. After giving it some thought, I decided to write a poem about the history of not just the United States, but the promised land in general, beginning with the first occupants of this blessed land, Adam and Eve. Here is the finished poem. God bless America, the Promised Land!

The Promised Land

Cast out from paradise the couple fled,
Unto a valley fair where they might till.
Blessed with the Holy Ghost they yet were led,
Their measure of creation to fulfill.
Three years before he left this mortal sphere,
The patriarch convened a council grand.
His sons and daughters he did gather near,
And prophesied here in this promised land.
And in due time as wickedness did grow,
The Earth was plagued with sadness in its heart.
'Til God could not ignore its cries below -
Floodwaters came, the Earth was split apart.
The seas now kept concealed this land divine,
Preserving it for those whom God would send.
Like Jared and his brother, God refined,
And made this promised land their journey's end.
Then others came, like Lehi and his sons,
Escaping wickedness in Palestine.
This land was promised to them by the Son,
As long as they would keep His law divine.
And in due time Lehi’s posterity,
Were blessed to host the resurrected Christ.
They watched in awe as blessings He did speak.
They witnessed His wounds in His hands and side.
At last, apostasy extinguished light.
The people were consumed by disbelief.
Yet God prepared a means to end this blight.
Across the waters, He would send relief.
Upon a man, the Spirit did descend,
Persuading him to cross the seas unknown,
Discovering this promised land again.
And so came many making this their home.
In order to prepare to rend the veil,
The Lord sent valiant spirits to dwell here.
And with His help, in war, they did prevail.
Their liberty and freedom they did cheer.
Inspired, these so noble did proceed,
To craft a government with rights divine.
With faith in God, they prayed it might succeed,
May this republic stand the test of time.
Unto this soil so rich and fertile came,
One full of faith, and pure, though but a youth.
He questioned how all faiths could be the same.
He knelt in humble prayer in search of truth.
And with that prayer, the veil was rent in two,
As God revealed Himself again to man.
The light dispelled falsehoods like morning dew.
Christ's Church returned here to the promised land.
Oh, what a wondrous past our nation bears!
The evidence of God’s hand doth abound!
Before us lie events without compare,
As miracles celestial shall be found!
A New Jerusalem shall yet be raised,
A capital of Christ here in the West,
A refuge for His saints to offer praise,
A refuge from unholy wickedness.
And as in ancient days, still yet again,
The righteous shall heed Father Adam’s call.
And priesthood keys shall be reclaimed from men,
Returned unto the Savior of us all.
Oh, may we all who dwell here look to Christ,
Remember Him from whom all blessings flow.
May we be firm in Him, avoiding vice.
That with His help our nation might yet grow.
The day of His return grows ever near,
When faithful shall be found on Christ's right hand.
Let he who hath ears hearken now and hear.
Receive the true King of this promised land!
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