The House of Israel

Three years ago, after hearing, during a summer devotional, President Nelson invited the youth of the Church to join the Lord’s Battalion and help gather the House of Israel, I felt inspired to write a poem about the history and destiny of the House of Israel. Please note that for rhyming and meter purposes, I chose to write this poem with the 3 syllable pronunciation of Israel, i.e. Is-ra-el (pron. Is-rye-el.) I hope you like it and that it inspires you to play a larger role in such a historic and epic cause. Thanks!

The House of Israel

In ancient times, there lived a man, the Lord named Abraham,
And he did covenant with God, to gain a promised land.
And in addition to this land, God deemed he should possess,
God promised him, that through his seed, all nations would be blessed.
Now Abraham begat a son, and Isaac was his name.
And unto Isaac, Jacob came, whose name the Lord did change.
The Lord named Jacob Israel and blessed him with twelve sons.
Unto this House of Israel, a Savior yet would come.
Now each of Israel's twelve sons, their lineage formed a tribe.
In days of famine sore, they fled, to Egypt to survive.
And by and by, they found themselves, indentured to a king.
Yet God had not forgotten them, salvation He did bring.
And so, by Moses, they were lead,
between a parted sea,
Returning to their promised land, by God's hand they were free.
And though they had been greatly blessed, Jehovah's children dear,
To idols, their attention turned, His name they did not fear.
And seeking that they might fit in, with heathen nations there,
They sought to be ruled by a man, their King they did forswear.
A wicked people they became, God’s light they did snuff out,
Divided by iniquity, a kingdom North and South.
The North fell to Assyria, were captured, led away,
And they became the Lost Ten Tribes, unknown to us today.
To Babylon, the South did go, forced from their promised land.
But in due time, they did return, according to God's plan.
And some were lead to distant lands, and isles across the sea,
That they might prove more righteous than their brethren they did flee.
And in their dear Jerusalem, Messiah came to dwell,
That He might save them from themselves, from death and burning hell.
Though He, their God, they knew Him not, His blood they did demand.
Yet He forgave their wickedness, as part of Father's plan.
And so again, they found themselves, cast out, spread far abroad,
A people scattered o’er the earth, though numbered by their God.
Then centuries did come and go. What of the covenant?
But they were not forgotten still, their God, the veil He rent.
Here in these final days before, He comes to earth again,
His priesthood keys He did restore, to prophets, chosen men.
And so the gathering commenced, to hunt and fish and find,
The chosen heirs of Abraham, with covenants to bind.
In coming days, of miracles, the lost will yet return.
Jerusalem shall welcome them, as faithful hearts will burn.
And in the West, shall Zion be, a sanctuary fair,
As Enoch and his followers, descend to join saints there.
Oh, what will you do, Israel? The Gospel’s here, restored.
Rise up and join the noble ranks, battalion of the Lord!
The greatest cause that we can know, unfolds before our eyes!
Oh let us work now valiantly, and help to win the prize!
By blood or by adoption too, He gathers in His sheep,
Before He comes with burning fire and makes the nations weep.
As every knee doth bend to Christ, and He doth vanquish hell
Our King shall rule forevermore, the house of Israel.
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