The Focus

The Focus

On March 8, 2016, in a Face-to-Face broadcast for young single adults, Elder Jeffrey R. Holland testified:

"All of this has substance and significance tonight because of God the Eternal Father, His Only Begotten Son, and the power of the Holy Ghost in our lives as the three great members of the Godhead who are committed all day and all night to our health and our happiness. They, who never sleep, nor ever slumber are engaged entirely and totally in providing for the happiness of us as children of God. The matters of the universe, of keeping planets in order, and whether the daffodils come up in the spring, those are nice ancillary issues. What They do without sleep or slumber is try to bring happiness and health and joy to us. I bear witness of that. I testify of it. I am the recipient of that love and so are you. Even on the days when it might not be as recognizable, it is true, it is Their nature, it is the way of Godliness. It is the promise that Their grace is sufficient and They can make us holy and happy."

We decided to turn his words into the following poem. We hope you enjoy it and that it helps you remember how precious you are to our Heavenly Father, Savior, and Holy Spirit. They love you more than anything else and want you to live a life of fulfillment and happiness, both now, and forevermore.

The Focus

Oh as you slumber do you realize
Your life is being guided from afar
A Godly trio far beyond the skies
Doth deem you more significant than stars
Of course the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost
Must ensure nature is as it should be
But what is it they focus on the most
Redeeming, elevating you and me
They work unceasingly and never tire
Pursuing your eternal happiness
That you might join them is their great desire
Completely vested aiding your success
Oh do you recognize your worth dear soul
More precious than creations far and wide

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