The Articles of Faith

I've finally completed my longest poem yet. I've taken The Articles of Faith and set them to poetry. Enjoy!

The Articles of Faith

The Church of Jesus Christ has been restored in latter days,
That we might come to know our God and understand his ways.
What do we preach? What is our faith? What do we understand?
The Lord's anointed, Joseph Smith, penned answers with his hand.
The first thing that we claim as truth, there is a God above.
Our everlasting Father dear, who showers us with love.
And Jesus Christ His blessed Son, from Him there comes all light.
Their messenger - the Holy Ghost, He witnesses what's right.
We know that mortal men do sin, while in their earthly frame.
Their punishment is theirs alone, for Adam has no blame.
Now even though men do transgress, through Christ they may be saved,
By means of His great sacrifice, a gift He freely gave.
And coupled with the faith men have, they also must be true,
To God's laws and his holy rites, He deems that they must do.
A faith in Jesus Christ our Lord forms a man's foundation,
His heart is changed and he repents, striving for salvation.
And with this mighty change of heart, he casts away his sin.
The waters of baptism call; he freely enters in.
And with this promise that he makes, the Lord agrees in turn,
To give to him the Holy Ghost, whereby he might discern.
So hands are placed upon his head, a mighty gift bestowed,
The path to Heaven opens up, a straight and narrow road.
Now through the priesthood is this done, by men who have received,
The power and authority, from prophets who do lead.
A man cannot aspire to preach and make himself a voice.
A call to teach the holy word is made by God's own choice.
The Church today has been restored, and truth again is told.
The structure of this modern Church is like the Church of old.
Apostles, prophets, teachers too, the Gospel now proclaim.
And pastors and evangelists, His work is still the same.
Now present in our modern day, the Spirit's gifts are found.
The gift of tongues and prophecy, and visions do abound.
And revelation comes to us, to help us to be good.
Interpretation is a gift, so tongues are understood.
The Bible when translated well, contains the word of God.
The Book of Mormon also serves, to be an iron rod.
We believe what God's revealed and still reveals to man.
And He will yet reveal more, to help us understand.
The gathering of Israel's seed takes place across the globe.
Their brethren of the lost Ten Tribes will join them in the fold.
America will be the home, of New Jerusalem.
A Zion city built anew, to which the Lord will come.
And He will reign upon the earth, a thousand years our King.
Our world will then be glorified, His praises we will sing.
We claim the right to worship God, according to our view.
Each man may worship as he will, he has this privilege too.
We know that we are subject to, the men who rule our land.
And honoring the laws they make, is what we understand.
We believe in honesty, in truth, and chastity.
Benevolence and virtue too, are both parts of our creed.
We believe in doing good, to all men everywhere.
We believe like Paul of old, these words that he did share:
All things we hope and do believe, and much we have endured.
And we will still endure much more, of this, we are assured.
We seek that which is virtuous, and good and lovely too.
We seek that which is praiseworthy, we seek that which is true.
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