

Here's a new poem we wrote today. We hope you enjoy it and that it inspires you in your journey onward toward that distant and sometimes seemingly unreachable goal of exaltation and eternal life. We know that with the help of our Heavenly Father and Savior, if we will seek their inspiration and have the faith to follow it once we receive it, we will surely reach our destination.


Upon the shore, there on the sand did Nephi sit and ponder.
A refugee from wickedness, with family he did wander.
Commanded by his God to flee, a promised land pursuing.
Before him now an ocean spread. Would this be their undoing?
No, Nephi prayed and persevered, receiving revelation,
Til God made known the means by which, to proceed from this station.
In time they reached a distant shore, hearts filled with faith and yearning.
With trust in God, they’d build again, a lifetime filled with learning.
Sometimes for us, it seems as if, we stand before an ocean,
Confused, bewildered, hesitant, our life in sore commotion.
How shall we reach our journey's end, on high, celestial glory?
To live with Father once again, a happy-ending story?
To Him, we must pour out our hearts, plead for welcome clarity,
Banish blindness from our eyes, unfamiliarity.
Then with His aid, we'll sail across, oceans wide and oh so deep.
Until we reach our journey's end, safe at last, within His keep.

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