
Following the October, 2019, General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, I asked myself this question: How can I say I know Him when I don't follow His example and truly love my fellow man and minister and really throw my heart into this work of gathering Israel? Those Conference messages and this question inspired me to pen the following words.


Have I converted yet within my soul?
Or do I testify in words alone?
Am I committed to my Savior's goals?
Am I engaged to help my brother home?
Do I kneel down in fervent daily prayer
To be an instrument within His hands?
A testimony do my deeds declare,
Or do I give lip service to His plans?
To bear another's burdens is His way,
To mourn with those who mourn and mingle tears.
Why don't I go and minister today?
Doth Lucifer yet whisper in my ears?
Upon His altar will I place my all?
Commit unto the Lord with all my heart?
Upon His shoulders will I now stand tall?
Or will I wait another day to start?
His bugle calls for soldiers brave and fair.
The Lord's battalion marches urgently.
Will I enlist, a solemn oath now swear?
Will I embrace my royal destiny?
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