How Wonderful, How Glorious, How Sweet

In April, 2018, I wrote this poem to commemorate that General Conference and President Nelson's historic messages. Enjoy!

How Wonderful, How Glorious, How Sweet

How wonderful, how glorious, how sweet,
To sit and listen at a prophet’s feet!
The mantle of Jehovah moves again.
His work rolls forth among the sons of men -
The mission of the priesthood clarified,
As brethren work together, unified.
Though life be filled with chaos and dismay,
Through revelation, God shall light our way.
Inspired by the Spirit, from above,
The mouthpiece of the Lord has taught us love,
That we might minister as Jesus Christ
To help each other reach eternal life.
And when our hearts were full as if to burst,
New temples were revealed across the Earth.
Oh, may we not forget all we have learned -
The lessons in our hearts the Spirit burned.
May we proclaim our gratitude sincere,
For all the teachings of our prophet dear.
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