
My latest poem has been adapted from the text of D&C 121 and 122, when Joseph Smith, imprisoned in the dungeon of Liberty Jail, cried out in desperation to the Lord.


"O God where art thou?" he implored, from his dark, dirty cell.
"How long shall thine eyes yet behold, thy servants plagued with hell?
How long shall thine ears hear the pleas, of thy saints in duress?
How long must they yet suffer still, unlawfully oppressed?
O Lord Almighty I implore, please now stretch forth thy hand.
Have mercy please and lead thy flock unto the Promised Land.
Unleash thy fury on our foes, avenge us with thy sword.
Remember us and we thy saints shall praise thee evermore."
The Lord replied, "Peace unto thee, bear thine adversity
A moment only shall it be, amidst eternity.
And then if thou endure it well, I shall exalt thy soul.
Thine enemies shall not prevail, for I shall thwart their goals
If they should cause you suffering, on land or by the sea
If falsely they should bear witness, and then fall upon thee.
If by the sword they take you from, your son and precious wife.
If they conspire to murder you and end your precious life.
And if the very jaws of hell should seek to claim you too,
Experience shall all these bring, they shall be good for you.
No matter how deep your despair, remember now indeed
The Son of Man hath suffered most. Art thou greater than he?”
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