Do You Remember?

This is my oldest known poem, a song I wrote many, many years ago when I was in high school. As a widower, the words mean far more to me now than they did then. You are free to download/print the sheet music to the song at this link: Do You Remember? I would love to hear of any performances of it. Enjoy!

Do You Remember?

Do you remember how He held you in His arms?
Do you remember how with Him there was no harm?
You felt so safe, you felt secure.
And of His love, you were assured.

Now if you love your Heavenly Father,
Go forth and choose to obey.
For if you will keep His commandments,
You will live with Him again someday.

Do you remember His soft and gentle tone?
Do you remember that you never were alone?
He's still beside you, He's there to guide you.
He wants to help you know what you should do.


Do you remember all the peace and joy there?
Do you remember your older brother's care?
He loves you so much, He made the sacrifice,
So that you might have eternal life.


Do you remember all the friends that you had?
Do you remember how leaving them was sad?
You vowed to prove yourself, you promised to return,
And deep within your heart this oath still burns.

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