Dear Savior How I Love Thee So

Dear Savior How I Love Thee So

The goal of this poem was to capture the full scope and mission of Jehovah, our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, from His pre-mortal willingness to play a central role in our Heavenly Father's Plan of Salvation, to His millennial reign over the earth. How grateful we are He accepted His role to be our Redeemer and the Light of the World. Hallelujah!

Dear Savior How I Love Thee So

Dear Savior how I love thee so, firstborn of Elohim.
My champion of agency, before time did begin.
So valiantly thou volunteered, with love deep in thy heart,
To be the key to Father's plan, and play the central part.
With Michael and with Gabriel, thou fiercely led the fight,
Against the lies of Lucifer, and enemies of light.

This earth thou did create for me, a place to grow and learn
To walk by faith and not by sight, experience to earn.
Before thy birth, thou ruled above, communed with prophets dear.
And led them in the wilderness, in front, and from the rear.
And in the midst of mortal time, thou came and took a frame.
The angels sang and hailed thy birth, and Jesus was thy name.

Thou gave to us, a fresh, new law, that we should love all men.
Thou showed us by example how to live with God again.
And then within Gethsemane, thou sacrificed for all
To rescue Adam and his kin, redeem them from the fall.
Thou willingly gave up thy life, upon Golgotha's cross.
That all might live forevermore - their temples not be lost.

And to a young man seeking truth, with Father dear thou came,
Restoring truth and principles, thy doctrine still unchanged.
The day will come of thy return, to rule among all men.
A thousand years so glorious, and every knee will bend.
And then shalt thou deliver up, to Father thy kingdom.
"I've finished all thou asked of me, my work, at last, is done."

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