As Saints of God

I am pleased to announce that I have finished a new hymn, "As Saints of God" that I'll be submitting to the Church for consideration in a new hymn book to be released. Please feel free to read it, play it, sing it or all of the above and let me know what you think. I am including the lyrics below.

You can listen to an MP3 of the hymn at this link:

You can view or download a copy of the sheet music at this link:

Thanks for your feedback! Enjoy!

As Saints of God

1. As Saints of God in these last days, how blessed we are to know,
Our Father's Plan of Happiness, that's here to help us grow.
How blessed we are to understand, the Gospel now restored,
And comprehend the sacrifice, of Jesus Christ our Lord.
The prophets from all ages past have looked toward our day,
When God's great kingdom would be built and finally would stay.

Chorus: Now labor with all diligence, put oil in your lamp,
That when He comes you might be found, as part of Israel's camp.

2. A mighty stone cut without hands, His work rolls ever on,
To fill the earth both far and wide, till wickedness be gone.
We anxiously await the day, when He will rend the sky,
And show Himself once more to man, that none may then deny.
All knees will bow and tongues confess, that Jesus is the Christ.
And all will know and understand, He is the source of light.

Chorus: Now labor with all diligence, put oil in your lamp,
That when He comes you might be found, as part of Israel's camp.

3. A thousand years He'll dwell with us, and rule on earth as King.
With angels from our Father's throne, His praises we will sing.
Oh do not fear, ye saints take heart, as storms around us rage.
Though tragedies abound on earth, these signs increase our faith.
The work of our great God above is gathering in speed.
There is so much we all can do, to help our Lord succeed.

Chorus: Now labor with all diligence, put oil in your lamp,
That when He comes you might be found, as part of Israel's camp.
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