

Here's our poetic interpretation of a young man's search for truth, an event that came to be known as The First Vision. How grateful we are that Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ are mindful of men on earth and seek to influence and direct their lives and shower upon them wisdom, blessings, and truth.


A young teen many years ago, went searching for the truth.
His question was of great import, though he was but a youth.
“If there is one God up above, then why,” he did exclaim,
“Do many faiths and creeds abound, and all are not the same?”
To gain an answer, he did ask, the preachers of his day.
Their comments only puzzled him, all claimed to know the way.
It made no sense to this young man, why all could not agree.
Why would a God so orderly, let this confusion be?
Of all the churches on the earth, which one had God ordained,
To minister to His offspring, His precious truths proclaim?
He could not find the answers dear, his questions did abound.
And so he turned to God's own word, in hopes truth might be found.
In James, he read if man lacked truth, then pray to God and ask,
And by faith, God would answer him. Now Joseph knew his task.
And so it came to pass one morn, he ventured from his home,
Into the woods, a grove of trees, that he might be alone.
He kneeled down that he might pray, yet found his tongue not loose,
A presence evil threatened him, inflicting great abuse.
And though his voice could not cry out, his heart exclaimed in grief,
That he might find redemption soon, that he might find relief.
And when he thought his life might end, so desperate was his plight,
At once he felt the presence leave, above he saw a light.
Descending in the light above, he gazed upon two men.
Both dressed in brilliant robes of white, they spoke to him just then.
One turned unto the other man while calling Joseph's name.
"Oh, this is my beloved Son. Oh, Hear Him!" He proclaimed.
The young man’s pleas, they had been heard, with answers of great worth.
The heavens opened once again, returning light to earth.

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