
Here is my poetic interpretation of the story of Ammon. I love Ammon's path of redemption. When we turn our lives over to Christ, miracles can happen. As we grow and change, we can inspire others to do the same.

In ancient times did Ammon live, did persecute the Church.
Until the day an angel came, and he fell to the earth.
He cast off his great wickedness, and turned unto the Son,
Then went forth preaching, to repair, the injuries he'd done.
Unto the Lamanites he went, a people wild and bold,
Who murdered and did plunder too, that they might gain much gold.
The Lamanites did capture him, before their king he came.
The king inquired of his intents - Lamoni was his name.
"I wish to serve you," Ammon said. At this, the king was pleased.
He loosed his bands and sent him forth, to go and watch his sheep.
A band of thugs among them came and scattered all their flocks.
The king's men feared they would be slain, in his wrath for the loss.
"Cheer up, my brethren," Ammon said. "Let's go and bring them back."
They found the flocks, but once again, the thugs were in their path.
Twice was too much for him to bear, he would not fail the king.
And so the thugs he did assault, and slew some with his sling.
Then those still left, in anger came, intending Ammon harm.
But he withstood their every blow and smote off their foul arms.
Now when the king had heard this tale, he marveled at this man.
The king thought Ammon God, but "Nay. Thy servant, king, I am."
Lamoni's heart did open up, as Ammon then did preach.
The king accepted every truth, he heard his servant teach.
And so began a mighty work, among the Lamanites,
Because one man did choose to serve and change his wicked life.
And just as Ammon changed his life, we too can change our path.
And serve our Lord forevermore, and gain all that He hath.
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