A Wondrous Dream

A Wondrous Dream

One night, as a young missionary, Orson F. Whitney had a remarkable vision of the Savior's suffering in Gethsemane. You can read his account in the article, "The Divinity of Jesus Christ," near the end, under the heading "In Gethsemane." Here is the link for the article: https://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/study/liahona/2003/12/the-divinity-of-jesus-christ?lang=eng. We have just completed a poetic rendition of his dream. How grateful we are for this precious account of our Lord.

A Wondrous Dream

Last night as I lay fast asleep, I dreamt a wondrous dream.
Within Gethsemane, I stood, and Christ was there it seemed.
And Peter, James, and John were there. They entered through a gate,
As Jesus, He did leave them there, commanding them to pray.
Then kneeling by Himself, He prayed, “Oh Father if it be,
Possible, oh let this cup, oh let it pass from me.”
He did submit. “Thy will be done,” He prayed as tears streamed down.
Unto His friends He did return, all sleeping on the ground.
He asked them to please watch with Him, as His load He did bear.
Yet sleep could not be overcome. It kept them rooted there.
Then all at once, time moved ahead. The Lord’s work now was done.
As Heaven did await Him there. His battle He had won.
I ran out from behind a tree. I clasped Him ‘round His knees.
I begged of Him to take me too, along with His friends, three.
He hugged me then. I felt His warmth. So gently, He said “No.
My son, these three, their work is done. With me then they may go.
But you must stay and finish yours.” I gazed upon His face.
“Oh promise me, that I may come, and join you in that place.”
He sweetly smiled. “My son,” He said, “on you that will depend.”
I woke, a sob within my throat. My vision, it did end.
Just like His friends, I found myself now sleeping at my post.
No more would I neglect His work. I held that first, foremost.

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