A Mighty Record

A Mighty Record

A mighty record from the earth has come forth in our day.
The Lord's work is now rolling forth, it helps to pave the way -
Another testament of Christ, a witness strong and sure,
A Liahona for our lives, direction clear and pure.

The Book of Mormon is God's word, revealed unto man,
Through prophets who did testify, recorded by their hand.
It is a treasure of great worth, a gift from Father dear,
To help us know and love his Son, and make His doctrines clear.

What have we done with this great gift? Do we appreciate
The value it contains within, and promises so great?
If you will read and ponder it, and ask God if it's true
He promises the Holy Ghost, will make it known to you.

And through the Spirit of the Lord, all truth may be revealed.
By mighty faith and pondering, no truths shall be concealed.
The Book of Mormon's mission's clear, to lead all unto Christ,
And teach us to rely on Him, and gain eternal life.

So now I urge you, my dear friend if you have not begun,
Please read this sacred precious work, and learn more of His Son.
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