A Generation Noble

On December 14, 2018, in a Facebook post, President Russell M. Nelson declared:

“Our Heavenly Father loves His children. He desires us to be diligent in our efforts to help strengthen children and youth across the globe . . . Our youth and children are among the best the Lord has ever sent into this world. They have the capacity to be smarter and wiser and have more impact on the world than any previous generation! We must do our part to help them realize their potential.”

Inspired by his prophetic words, I penned the following poem.

A Generation Noble

Reserved to come forth in this final hour,
A generation noble, fine, and fair.
Through righteousness endowed with heaven's power,
Allegiance to Earth's King they do declare.

Oh, how our Father loves these children true,
The future leaders of His work divine.
What miracles and wonders will they do,
Before Christ comes revealed by awesome signs?

How great is our responsibility,
To teach these precious souls sent from above,
To recognize their true ability,
Convey to them His deep, abiding love,

That they might help to usher in His reign,
The King of Kings who knocketh at the door,
Separating chaff from golden grain,
Joint-heirs with Him to rule forevermore.
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