Your Gifts

Your Gifts

Sometimes the dog will make a mess, the kids will scream and shout.
And then you wonder to yourself, "Is this what life's about?"
Sometimes the month is not up yet, but money's disappeared.
And maybe then you ask yourself, "What am I doing here?"
Sometimes your car might get a flat, or maybe it's just broke.
And then you look for cameras. "Is this some twisted joke?"
Sometimes you're sick and filled with pain, and feeling like you'll die.
You throw your hands up in the air, and ask the question, "Why?"
When life has got you feeling down, and nothing seems to fit,
Here is a little secret friend: slow down and count your gifts.
You have been blessed to come to earth, and gain mortality,
That you might grow to be like God, through sacred agency.
A body He has given you, a temple so divine.
And though you'll leave it at death's door, you'll gain it for all time.
The earth upon which you now dwell, it is a masterpiece.
A God-made habitat for man, it too shall never cease.
Above all else, relationships, with friends and loved ones dear,
Is what makes life so beautiful, and worth enduring here.
So if you feel like giving up, enumerate your gifts,
That come from God who loves you so, a Father dear He is.
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