

Yes, I have certainly suffered my share of unfairness in my life, but nothing compares to all the unfairness He was subjected to. How grateful I am He willingly bore that burden, knowing that His unfair experiences would lead to joy and glory eclipsing every wrong I have faced, making me whole and complete. My faith and willingness to follow Him, even in the face of unfairness, leads to the gift of His atonement, far exceeding and compensating for all that I have been and will yet be called to face and endure. Hallelujah!


How can I think my life is so unfair,
Injustices and injuries galore?
Beside Him, all I've suffered can't compare,
For He has endured pain and sorrow more.
To think, He paid in blood for every sin.
Though innocent, He freely did atone.
He sacrificed Himself that I might win.
He bravely bore this burden all alone,
Betrayed, cast off by one considered friend,
Brought bound before a panel filled with vile,
Determined to ensure His life would end.
The God they claimed to serve, they did defile.
They spat on Him and mocked His weary frame.
They scourged Him as more blood flowed from His back.
The torturing became for them a game.
His pride, His majesty they did attack.
And in the end, they crucified our Lord,
Drove nails through His palms and in His feet.
His innocence neglected and ignored -
Injustice cruel and cold became complete.
Why should I grumble? Why should I complain,
For opposition, it must surely be.
Perhaps I should reflect upon His pain -
Consider all unfairness borne for me.

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