Uh-Oh Spaghetti O's

Uh-Oh Spaghetti O's!

You're all familiar with the phrase, "Uh-Oh Spaghetti O's"
I could've filmed an ad tonight, with them upon my toes
"I'm hungry," my child had exclaimed, she'll perish without food!
So into action I did rush, to end her "hangry" mood
I had the lid off right away, I poured them in a bowl
I quickly covered them all up, I'd nearly reached my goal
I headed for the microwave, it's not a lengthy trip
But somehow on my journey there, I let the darn bowl slip
Somehow it landed right side up, you'd think I'd be okay
But Murphy's Law was in full force, tonight was not my day
For half the O's had left the bowl, with some now on the floor
And some had splashed red everywhere, I think I nearly swore
So into cleaning mode I went, to mop up all the red
I finished fast and served her soon, she still had not been fed
But after she had gone to bed, I got a big surprise
The bowl I'd worked so hard to make, she'd left without a bite!
With kids life surely is not dull, they'll keep you on your toes
They'll make you scream and want to say, "Uh-oh Spaghetti O's!"
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