The Witness

Tonight, I chose to write another poem based on the New Testament. This is patterned after the account of Mary Magdalene at Christ's tomb, as recorded by John in John 20:11-18. I hope you enjoy it!

The Witness

Outside the sepulcher she stood, her tears flowed fast and free.
And as she wept her heart did yearn; where could her dear Lord be?
On Calvary, she had observed, His death upon the cross.
The darkness came, the veil was rent, and ev'rything seemed lost.
These puzzles weighing on her heart, she looked within His tomb.
And to her wonder there she saw, two angels in the room.
Arrayed in robes of dazzling white, they sat where He had lain.
"Oh woman dear, why weepest thou? What causeth thee this pain?"
"They took the body of my Lord, and I know not the place."
Then Mary turned and He stood there, yet she knew not His face.
"Why weepest thou? Whom seeketh thou?" To Him, she then did say,
"Please Sir, if you know where He is, I'll carry Him away."
Then in return, He called her name, a single word reply.
She turned herself and said to Him, "Oh Master, Rabboni."
"Oh touch me not, for first I must, unto my Father go.
Seek my disciples, that you might, tell them all that you know.
My Father is your Father too, and our God is the same."
Then Mary went and sought them out, and witnessed of His name.
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