The Runner

The Runner

This poem we've written conveys our belief that no matter what we're going through, Heavenly Father and Christ love us and are there for us. All of the trials we are called upon to endure in this life are ultimately for our eternal good and growth. When times are darkest, and the finish line seems an eternity away, Christ, our spiritual coach, is always cheering us on.

The Runner

"I cannot run another lap," in tears, the young man said.
"I'm out of breath, my lungs aflame, there's pounding in my head."
With no response or tender words, the coach's whistle blew.
Somehow the young man raised his feet, then down the track he flew.
Then with a lap complete once more, the young man made no sound.
Somehow he reached his waiting coach, and fell upon the ground.
And in the days and weeks ahead, this scene again played out.
Sometimes in pain and agony, the young man dared to shout.
"How is it my coach is so cruel!" he cried within his heart.
"He heaps on me such misery, it's tearing me apart!"
Then finally the day arrived, the time had come to race.
The young man and his running foes, lined up to take their place.
Then with a "Crack!" the gun was fired, he took off at a run,
To find out who the fastest was, this foot race had begun.
8 laps around the track they'd run, 400 meters long.
'Twas not a test of only speed, but also who was strong.
So round and round the track they sped, together in a pack.
Til gradually then, by and by, some runners did fall back.
The young man ran and persevered, he did not fall behind.
Then suddenly he pulled ahead, a new strength he did find.
Despite his burning legs and lungs, he next increased his pace,
And with determination strong, the young man won that race.
Across the line, his legs gave out, upon the ground he fell.
Above the pounding in his ears, he heard a joy-filled yell.
The coach appeared, with moistened eyes, extended down his hand.
He helped the runner to his feet, embracing the young man.
Remember this young man next time, you doubt God's love for you.
And question how He could allow, all that you're going through.
"Does He not hear my urgent pleas? Ignores my cries of pain?
Why does He let me suffer so? Are all my prayers in vain?"
Tis not the case, He's molding you, He wants you to be strong.
And though it seems He does not care, He's been there all along -
That you might be a champion, become like Him above,
And when your race of life is through, return to His great love.

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