The Price

I wish to give thanks for hardship and opposition. Just as muscle is built by lifting heavy weights and becoming sore, my trials have made me stronger and have helped me to appreciate more what I have. I am a better man because of those things the Lord has required me to endure. I'm grateful that he never has given me more than I can bear, and that with His love and aid, I have been able to safely make it through the storms of my life.

The Price

The noble and the great did give their all
That they might reign with Christ forevermore.
Into the depths of sorrow they did fall
To rise and claim a great birthright in store.

Of Abraham the Lord asked Isaac's life -
A sacrifice required so great to bear.
What will the Lord ask us to face as strife
To be the seed of Abraham - his heir?

To hell below all things our Savior went.
To join with Him around our Father's throne,
As in Gethsemane His blood He spent,
At times we must endure here all alone.

This is the price to learn to be like God.
Through pain and crushing sorrow here below,
A path of opposition we must trod,
A boundless joy so pure we'll come to know.
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