The Offering

Here is my poetic interpretation of the story of Abraham, willing to sacrifice his only son, Isaac.

The Offering

In times of old, there lived a man, his name was Abraham
It came to pass God called his name, He said, “Lord, here I am”
“Take now thy son, thine only son, Isaac whom thou dost love
Into the land of Moriah, the mountains up above
Upon a mount which I shall name, there you shall bind your son
And offer up to me his life, that my will might be done”
So early in the morn, he rose, with Isaac by his side
And they set out to reach the mount, with wood for sacrifice
Then three days out they reached the mount, according to God’s plan
He laid the wood on Isaac’s back, took fire and knife in hand
“My father,” Isaac questioned him, “Where is the lamb to slay?”
“God will provide an offering, let us be on our way”
And coming to the place God chose, he built an altar there
He laid the wood and bound his son, the sacrifice prepared
He took the knife, stretched forth his hand, intent to do God’s will
An angel then appeared to him, “Thy son thou shalt not kill
For now, I know thou fearest God, thou withheld not thy son”
God knew then that all His commands, his servant would see done
Oh may we be like Abraham, and sacrifice our all
That when the Lord gives us commands, with faith we’ll heed His call
For if we are like Abraham, we’ll gain our God’s reward
And gain from Him inheritance, with Jesus Christ our Lord
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