The Master

The Master

We often see so many stories here online of struggle and sorrow. It reminds us of those days over six years ago now, when our founder, Troy, lost his wife to leukemia. It was only with the help of the Lord he found his way through to the other side of the storm and happiness and peaceful waters once again. Just as Christ calmed the Sea of Galilee, and calmed Troy's storm, He can calm the storms of many, many more. Troy wrote this poem to reflect his thoughts and this testimony.

The Master

What ails or plagues your health, your heart
What demons now oppress your soul
Does life seem like it's come apart
You've lost all hope, you've lost control

The storms of life do rage, do roar
As darkness blankets angry skies
"Oh Lord I cannot take much more"
Within the tempest, desperate cries

Fear not, doubt not, all is not lost
The Master yet shall calm this storm
For with His blood He paid the cost
And claimed the power to transform

Just as He did on Galilee
So too for you may waters calm
Though now you flail upon life's sea
You yet shall feel His healing balm

Now when this storm has passed you by
And sunlight banishes all fear
May you remember Him on high
Who made your sorrows disappear

And should you find yourself once more
Besieged by life on ev'ry side
Oh search for Him upon the shore
That He again may stem the tide

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