The Good Shepherd

The Good Shepherd

We don't know who needs to hear this today. Maybe it's you, perhaps it's someone you love. If so, please share our poem. We know that Christ is indeed the Good Shepherd, always waiting and ready to comfort and heal us from physical, emotional, spiritual, and social wounds.

The Good Shepherd

Oh bleating, crying, grieving sheep, so scared and all alone,
The shepherd, He, who loves you so, will carry you back home.
Upon His shoulders, broad and strong, He'll place your weary frame.
He will not leave you comfortless, He knows you and your name.
Be patient now, oh little sheep, your cries have reached His ears.
He's on His way to rescue you, to wipe away your tears.
Though you have fallen in a pit, a private, lonely hell,
The shepherd yet shall lift you out, and see that all is well.
The shepherd, He, who loves you so, shall hold you near His chest,
And bind and heal your hurting wounds, and give you precious rest.
Then to His pasture you shall go, and never leave again.
You'll live with Him forevermore, the shepherd, your best friend.

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