

We know that Christ lives and loves us. Resurrected and glorified, His perfect body never requires sleep, ensuring He is able to commit every moment to us and our well-being. Our new poem, "Tempests," conveys our testimony that a God who can calm waves and still winds can bring peace to our storm-stricken lives.


Upon the sea, the ship rocked to and fro
Besieged, assaulted by the angry gales
Afraid, unto their Master, they did go
That through Him o’er the storm they might prevail

Upon the ship they found Him slumbering
Oblivious to all that had transpired
“Oh carest not that death this storm might bring?”
They woke Him though he surely was so tired

The Master then arose, rebuked the squall
Unto the sea commanding, “Peace, be still.”
The storm succumbed unto the Lord of all
Submitting unto His exacting will

Our resurrected Lord doth no more sleep
Forever working, serving us in love
Both tears of joy and sorrow He doth weep
As He doth intervene from up above

Now if the Master can command the seas
Which do not breathe and walk upon the land
Most surely He doth hear men’s urgent pleas
Most eager to extend His loving hand

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