

A widow named Naomi lived, off in a foreign land.
Two daughters-in-law dwelt with her, the three of them a band.
Now Ruth and Orpah were their names, and they were widows too.
The two of them were Moabites; Naomi was a Jew.
She heard how God gave Judah bread, of blessings she did learn,
And so she vowed within her heart, to Judah she'd return.
To Ruth and Orpah she declared, “Go to your mother's homes.”
And they did kiss her as they wept, not wishing her alone.
Though both did say they'd go with her, yet Orpah took her leave.
Yet with Naomi, Ruth did stay, unto her Ruth did cleave.
“For where thou goest, I will go, I'll lodge where thou doth lodge.
Thy people shall be my people, thy God shall be my God.”
And so they came to Bethlehem, and many were amazed,
“Is this Naomi?” many asked, as on her face they gazed.
And she replied that God had dealt, with her quite bitterly.
For He indeed had humbled her, through much adversity.
A wealthy man nearby owned land, Naomi's relative.
And there Ruth gleaned for sustenance, she gathered corn to live.
Now Boaz was this kinsman’s name, of Ruth he did inquire.
And when he learned how hard she worked, then Ruth he did admire.
And so he kindly treated her, and she did question why,
“How as a stranger in this land, I've found grace in thine eyes?”
And Boaz answered her and said, “I’ve heard of all you’ve done
To help your mother dear in law. To this strange land you’ve come.”
Now when Naomi heard all this, she did conceive a plan,
And she did then encourage Ruth, to go be near this man.
And by and by Boaz took Ruth, to him to be his wife.
Naomi, she was blessed of them, as they sustained her life.
And favor on this couple shined, as they did bear offspring.
As through this line a son would come, to be the nation’s king.
Let Ruth’s tale be a testament, to all who seek the Lord,
For if they’ll have Him as their God, their lives He shall reward.
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