
One night, as I reflected on my trials, particularly the untimely passing of my first wife, Mandie (I have since remarried), I asked myself several questions.

My suffering, is it really that bad and really that much when I consider it in light of all that Christ suffered for me? What kind of gratitude am I showing to Him for his great and noble sacrifice? What must it have been like for Him? Do I really have anything worth complaining about? Do I have faith in my Heavenly Father and all He allows me to endure and experience? Do I trust Him and have an eternal perspective? Or am I complaining and wallowing in my present state and forgetting about and not considering eternity and His ways of salvation?

My questioning and thinking led to me composing this poem. Perhaps it will give you some perspective too.


Though I perhaps have suffered in my years,
There's nothing I've endured that can compare
To Christ, my Lord, soaked with His blood and tears,
As my transgressions, He did bravely bear.
Do I exhibit gratitude to match
The honor and the love He did display
As death and separation, He did snatch
From Lucifer in hell that fateful day?
Oh, why at times must I dare to complain
And second-guess my Father's plan divine?
How quickly I forget my Savior's pain
Allowing doubt and pride to intertwine!
Oh, may my understanding yet increase
As I renew my focus on the prize.
Oh Father help my lack of faith to cease
That Thy hopes for me I might realize.
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