
Having done a poem about Enoch, it only seemed fitting to write a poem about his contemporary, Noah.


Great wickedness befell the earth, in ancient times of old.
Yet Noah chose to walk with God, and be part of His fold.
So God declared He must destroy, men off the face of earth.
For righteousness and holiness, there only was a dearth.
Hence God commanded Noah then, to build an ark of wood.
He gave to him instructions how, so that he understood.
A flood of waters He would send, that ev'rything should die.
But as for Noah and his kin, He promised they'd have life.
So Noah was obedient, and went into the ark.
His family and all creatures too, made ready to embark.
The rain poured down upon the earth, for forty nights and days.
And all who had not followed God, were drowned and swept away.
Yet Noah and his family, were spared the pains of death.
Within the ark they carried on, and found within them breath.
When with the Lord we covenant, and follow His grand will
Although the storms of life may rage, we'll thrive and prosper still.
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