Let Love Ring True

Let Love Ring True

Why do we fight? Why do we yell?
Inviting in, the Tempter’s hell?
When will we learn? When will we love?
Be like our Lord, here from above?
Our Savior came. He showed the way.
Let's emulate Him every day.
Oh let us love. Oh let us care.
Then we shall find our Savior there.
We can't bring back the words we've said.
Let us repent, forgive instead.
The grudge we hold will turn to hate.
Let's find love now, ere it's too late.
As we decide to love all men,
We'll find Christ in our lives again.
Life is too short to gripe and groan
Then soon we find ourselves alone.
If in your life there's enmity,
Go now and find your enemy.
Together you can work it out
That none again find need to shout.
We are a brotherhood of man,
Together here by God's great hand.
Let's be like Him and Jesus too
Within our hearts let love ring true.

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