
I think the story of Jonah being in the whale for 3 nights and days is a great symbol of the time Christ spent between death and resurrection. Since the Easter season is upon us, I thought it would therefore be appropriate to set the story of Jonah to poetry.


The Lord commanded Jonah go, to Nineveh be sent
And teach the wicked people there, that they might all repent.
But Jonah did not heed the Lord, he tried to flee by boat.
So with a mighty tempest strong, his ship the Lord did smote.
The crew, in panic, were afraid, their ship would soon go down.
They woke Jonah and said, "Now pray to God that we don't drown."
And wondering whence came the storm, they asked what he had done.
Admitting guilt, he then confessed, from God he tried to run.
"What shall we do to calm the sea?" of Jonah they did ask.
"Because of me, into the sea, I surely must be cast."
They cast him forth, the storm did calm, and while he then did swim
A great fish the Lord had prepared, did come and swallow him.
Within the belly of the fish, he dwelt three nights and days
Now broken, in humility, unto the Lord he prayed.
In answer to his pleas for help, the Lord gave a command
And from the fish Jonah came forth, once more upon dry land.
Commanded of the Lord again, to Nineveh he went,
The people did embrace his words, the city did repent.

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