Into Gethsemane He Went

Into Gethsemane He Went

I am eternally grateful for Christ and all He suffered in Gethsemane on my behalf.

Into Gethsemane He Went

Into Gethsemane He went, alone without a friend,
That He might there atone for man, that death and sin might end.
The weight of untold sins and pain, brought blood from every pore.
"Oh Father please remove this cup," He desperately implored.

He pleaded for another way, that justice be fulfilled.
But finding none He did submit, His all to Father's will.
And Father though He loved Him so, to satisfy the law,
His precious Son He left behind, His Spirit did withdraw.

So all alone with Father gone, hell's fury Christ did face,
That mercy and eternal life, might heal this fallen race.
Though pain and sorrow touch us all, it fails to compare,
To all the terror and the grief, our Savior endured there.

Oh may we now appreciate, all that our Brother's done.
Oh may we thank our Father dear, for giving us His Son.
They ask for our obedience, in order to show love,
And in the end commune with them, in royal courts above.

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