How Could It Be?

How Could It Be?

We wrote this poem to celebrate the true majesty of Christ. Even when His glory was not apparent to mortal eyes around Him, He lived, taught, and served as the Redeemer of the world. Though once rejected, we welcome His return to this world when all men shall know and recognize Him as Jesus the Christ. At this special time of year, when days are shorter and nights are longer, we hope it will help you remember that He is the true source of light.

How Could It Be?

How could it be, the maker of this Earth,
Had not where He might lay His royal head?
How could it be that men saw not his worth,
And in the end, cared not if He were dead?
No comeliness adorned His mortal face.
He found Himself rejected and despised.
A man of grief and sorrows in this place,
How could they turn from Him and hide their eyes?

Yet He who did descend below all things,
At last, did find Himself at home again,
Revered on high as Christ, the King of Kings,
The Savior and Redeemer of all men.
And He shall yet return with glory bright,
As every knee doth bend and tongue confess,
That Jesus is Messiah, source of Light.
“He is indeed God’s son,” they shall profess.

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