Hot Sauce Pancakes

Just in case you needed a laugh, I wrote a new poem! True story by the way - I hope it puts a smile on your face!

Hot Sauce Pancakes

When I was just a wee lad, perhaps six years I'd say
My mother made us pancakes, for breakfast one fine day
We ate till we were so stuffed, and yet there were still more
We tossed two to our doggy, outside our porch back door
So eagerly he tucked in, beginning his small feast
Yet he was disappointed, for soon there was a thief
The neighbor dog came over, and he was bigger too
He saw those yummy pancakes, and stole our poor dog's food
We could not stand for this crime, we had to seek redress
The thief needed a lesson, how could we teach him best?
Then inspiration hit us, just like a two by four
We still had extra pancakes, we'd serve that thief once more
To teach that thief a lesson, to show him who was boss
Upon those fluffy pancakes, we poured lots of hot sauce
We opened up the back door, we gently placed the bait
We sat down at the table, then watching we did wait
It only took a moment, the thief was on our porch
He didn't waste a second, so eagerly he gorged
He thought they were delicious, he downed them in two bites
Then suddenly he jumped up, and made an eager flight
He ran and drank his water, he gulped it frantically
He ran around his yard then, in hopes the pain would flee
But finding no relief then, he drank and ran some more
If he had been a human, I know he would've swore
So if your dog's assaulted, and you must find a fix
Remember hot sauce pancakes, they're sure to do the trick!
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