Heaven's Hosts

One day, in church, I wondered about what it must have been like for those in heaven as they watched their Lord and brother suffer in Gethsemane and Calvary. Those thoughts inspired me to write this poem.

Heaven’s Hosts

As heaven's hosts gazed from above, upon the broken form
Their hearts did break, as they observed, the Son of Man forlorn
Oh, how they loved their brother dear, who loved their Father so,
The Firstborn who did condescend, to venture there below
And now this King of majesty, lay crumpled in a heap
Fulfilling sacred covenant, His promise He would keep
Oh, how they wished they could descend, and somehow intervene
Yet He alone must bear this load, face horrors there unseen
And so they watched Him bear His load, they watched Him spill his tears
They watched Him bleed in agony, as He faced hellish fears
And when they'd watched Him pay their dues, they waited without breath
As tears of sorrow left their eyes, their Savior met His death
In three days hence, all heaven’s hosts did gather up above
That they might welcome home their King, and shower Him with love
And so it was, as He appeared, in resurrected form,
The throngs did shout with cheers of joy, around Him they did swarm
And once again their tears did flow, hearts filled with gratitude
In Jesus they did place their faith, their hope had been renewed
They pledged anew to follow Him, embrace the Father’s plan
As they embraced their Lord and King, earth’s only perfect man
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