
This morning, I read the account of the woman taken in adultery, found in John 8:2-11, and decided to set it to poetry.


Within the temple walls one morn, our Lord did sit and preach.
He testified of His great work, the people He did teach.
The scribes and Pharisees then brought a woman unto Him.
"Adultery she did commit, caught in the act of sin.
The law that Moses gave to us, commands that she be stoned.
Pray tell us now what should be done? Make thy opinion known."
They sought to tempt Him and accuse, but Jesus then stooped down.
And acting as He heard them not, He wrote upon the ground.
Then still they pressed Him furthermore, to answer what they asked.
"Let he among you, without sin, at her, the first stone cast."
Again He stooped upon the ground, and with His finger wrote.
They then went out, convicted by, the words that Jesus spoke.
Then Jesus finding them alone, He stood up from the ground.
"Where are the men who accuse thee? Can none of them be found?"
Her answer came to Him, "No man." And he replied, therefore,
"Then neither will I condemn thee, go forth and sin no more."
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