

Considering the Savior's injunction to "let your light so shine before men" (Matt. 5:16), we were inspired to write the following poem, reflecting our belief that each of us is a creator, with unique, individual talents to share with the world. Will we create and let our talents shine, or will we allow our fears to smother our divinely planted creativity? As Christ has done, we hope each of us will find the strength and courage to shine and make the world a better, brighter place.


Within your heart a fire is smoldering
A light divine is longing to shine forth
Your inner muse doth cheer encouraging
Inviting you to step t'ward your True North

Oh are we not reflections of our God
Created by Him molded from the earth
Your inklings to create He doth applaud
What will you build revealing your true worth

Place kindling stick by stick upon your fire
Ignite it with imagination's spark
Then log by log infuse it with desire
Until your flame obliterates the dark

And as your light shines forth for all to see
Another you'll inspire to create
Reflecting yet again divinity
To be His hands and help to elevate

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