David and the Giant

David and the Giant

Against the mighty Philistines, the Israelites did fight.
And there went out a champion, Goliath of great height.
A helmet made of brass he wore, and he was armed with mail.
A hefty spear he carried too, so that he might prevail.
He cried out unto Israel, "Among you, choose a man.
And send him out to fight with me, and kill me if he can.
Now if by chance he should succeed, your servants we shall be.
But if I should prevail this day, you all will then serve me."
These words struck fear in Israel, and they were sore afraid.
Knowing not who they should send, did leave them all dismayed.
For forty days Goliath came, and taunted them again.
But they filled with bewilderment, still knew not whom to send.
A shepherd boy named David came, and heard Goliath's cry.
"Pray tell who is this Philistine - our God he doth deny?"
Now David being just a lad, they bid him hold his tongue.
"Is not before us now a cause? What is it I have done?"
Then David said to Saul, "Send me. For I will go and fight."
But Saul replied, "You are too young. I cannot, 'tis not right."
And David said, "There was a time, when my flock I did tend.
I slew a lion and a bear, my sheep I did defend.
Now if the Lord was with me then, He'll be with me today.
This Philistine I will destroy, with God, him I will slay."
Relenting, Saul, his armor gave, "Now wear this I implore."
Refusing, David, answered, "Nay. I've not worn it before."
Then David went and chose five stones, with which to arm his sling.
And also armed with his great faith, approached the Philistine.
Goliath scoffed, "Who is this boy? Do you think I'm a dog?"
And with disdain Goliath then, cursed David by his gods.
"Boy come to me, I'll feed thy flesh, unto the beasts and birds."
"Nay, with the Lord, I shall slay thee, of this I am assured."
Then with his sling, he took a stone, and smote Goliath's head.
Upon his face, the giant fell, down to the earth, now dead.
He severed then Goliath's head, by using his own sword.
Afraid, the Philistines fled from, the army of the Lord.
No matter what you face in life, if you'll maintain belief.
The Lord will stay right by your side, and help you to succeed.
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